I chose digital dioramas as i feel photogrammetry is a fast way and efficient way to create 3d environments during Florian’s session we were asked to download and install a photogrammetry software called Agisoft. with this software we would gather images provided or use our own. I chose first to use a file provided but soon decided after getting familiar with the software that i would attempt my own photo scan.

I had my brother take photos of me rotating on my chair, so we could gather the info i thought would be necessary, however, seen on the attached image it was a failure, i then did the same however this time i rotated around the subject and took a few more photos, again, this was not enough I’m guessing it was an issue with the lighting. My 3rd attempt, however, was more successful taking 70+ photos from many different points i managed to get half an elephant model mixed with the backdrop creating an almost fossilised elephant effect of maybe just an elephant stuck in a pool of concrete. As i was taking most of these photos in the evening, i was probably not producing the best results for photo alignment in Agisoft.

Today i took photos of on object in my back yard, This attempt to use Agisoft was far more successful as I took over 100+ pictures of the subject and being it was the middle of the afternoon with mild cloudiness it helped with lighting the subject.

Once the image was scanned, o then created a mesh and exported the necessary materials to Maya to begin quad drawing and texture transferring.

I did not have a preference for what i was going to use this model for this image was being used for testing purposes only. Now that I have succeeded in creating an object using photogrammetry. I will now attempt to create an environment with the same process

1st attempt at creating my room in agisoft, This came out better than expected however I think it could work better if i record a video of the room in as much detail as possible, convert the mp4 to framed animation and use the frames to align…Lets see if this works.


I attempted to record a video and use the PNG sequence to use as a scan; however, this was a catastrophic failure. Seen in the images attached to this post are the results of a 2-hour long process of photo alignment. Needless to say this process is not ideal…

I will revisit the Agisoft website for instructions on how to produce a quality scan for an environment.