PROJECT 72-2 Gameplay and Features

Title Screen & Intro

fig 1

Fig 1 shows the ‘Britehaven’ title screen. We chose to have a minimalist title screen reminiscent of games from the early 70s. This title screen also doesn’t have any graphics or sound to extend the feeling of unknown. The screen has three options from which to choose. NEW GAME, LOAD GAME, and QUIT. Opening Load game will present the player with all saves from the previous game, and New game will initiate the opening monologue.

fig 2
fig 3

After the intro ends, the scene will fade in where immediately the main character is questioned on her wellbeing; from this introduction, the players have gathered a small piece of info on the events that lead them to this situation

fig 4
fig 5

Plater exits ambulance and is introduced to car park. no instructions are given at this point, the player will have to figure out the next steps on their own.

UI Features

Pause Screen

When player hits [ESC] key, the game will pause and a menu screen will appear giving four options. BAG, STATS, MAP and SAVE.

fig 5.


fig 6
fig 7
fig 8
fig 9

With bag screen open player can click between CLUES, TREASURES, KEYS, GUNS. all of these options apart from GUNS includes an inspection image showing the detail of the object. and a description. We saw this as a good opportunity to showcase our other skills in design and also introduce a new element to the design and aesthetic.

seen in fig 10 is one of the collectable cards found within the game and also fig 11 shows a 3d model of ‘SPAN’ Made by Tom

fig 10
fig 11


fig 12

Save screen will present you will all previous save files and a screenshot the location. An auto-save feature has also been applied to every room exit or entry


fig 13

Stats screen for Upgrading main characters combat skills for side view combat. Player will earn points through battle and choose which skills to ugrade through points gained. Options are Attack, Defense and Speed.


Once area map has been found. player can click on map they will be presented with a map of the area and clues as to where treasures may be hidden. if the map has not been obtaineed they will be presented with the ‘Unobtained’ screen. (MAPS PENDING)

fig 14

NPC Interactions

Talking to Characters

fig 15

When player hits the [SPACEBAR] Key, a box will appear at the lower half of the screen typing out text for the player to read. This will give info to the story aswell as possible clues related to treasures.

fig 16

A YES/NO feature was added so that the player can decide for themself how they would like to interact with certain individuals. Although very limited choice is available different outcomes will appear from the payers response. For example, if a player was to be questioned by an NPC giving a YES or NO could be the difference between receiving a gift or entering a 1v1 combat stage. If the NPC did initiate a fight the screen would flash and two animated bars will cross the screen with the characters images. This is a farmiliar transition and is used in many combat based games and Sports with a Vs. system

fig 17

Money System and Shop UI

A Store and money system is included in the game. The player ill collect coins from around the map or through NPC interaction. Fig 18 & 19 show the Shop UI. If player does not have enough funds to pay for the item a a sound cue will trigger and a message will appear on the bottom left side of the screen reading ‘NOT ENOUGH!’

fig 18
fig 19

Info from Environment

Many objects in the game will have some relevance to the story. Perhaps a note will have a clue or an stack of boulders are blocking your path in the case seen in fig. 20 a piece of the rusted fence is present. If the player presses [SPACEBAR], a message will read on the bottom of the screen similar to the NPC interactions.

fig 20
fig 20

Other objects will present the player with a full scale image of the object they are inspecting. This is used for gathering clues as to where items around the map are located. But this feature could be used for many more features down the line. (Seen in fig 21)

fig 21

Top Down Weapons

During Top-Down gameplay the player will be faced with enemies to fight off and objects to interact with through the use of weaponry obtained throughout different stages the example below in fig 22 showcases our main character shooting a “CANDY BLASTER” towards the direction of the Cursor. Weapons in the game can blast through and move objects, eliminate enemies and with the ‘PORTAL GUN’ transport from from point A to B with ease.

fig 22


Collecting items happens instantaneously with items such as health packs and coins. However with all other items including Guns a message prompt will appear on screen asking is the player wants to collect the item (using the [E] Key).

Fig 24

Once player has collected item using the [E] Key a text prompt will appear on the bottom of the screen that reads ‘NEW ITEM’ and enlarged sprite image on the left or a 3d model dependent on item.

fig 25

Visual Clues

Areas of the game will present the player with a visual clue that there is something to investigate. the example below in fig 26 shows a lamp that glows far brighter than the rest. When this flash of light occurs a shadowy figure will appear. If a player sees this and investigates they will be given a small side quest.

Fig 25
fig 26