The 3 Pillars of Gaming (notes)


Games have become successful from focusing on one of these three pillars however other game companies have failed trying ti merge all three because the narrative breaks into pieces which the designer has to pick how to use

Character: When focusing on characters, it can become challenging to further the plot. What experience are you trying to convey?

Lore: Lore is everything that makes the world feel vibrant and alive and exists when no one os playing What are the keys for the three pillars?

Plot: -be original -have a twist. Write a summary and present to people Do people like it? Have a message Try to incorporate a wrench into the mechanics Characters Make a story bible

Make as much detail you can go for the world but be careful not to be too sucked into the story you are creating.

REMEMBER the player will usually not be aware of the backstory (Extra Credits, 2018)

Extra Credits, 2018. The Three Pillars of Game Writing – Plot, Character, Lore – Extra Credits. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 22 February 2021].