for the characters between the pages workshop we were tasked first with creating random blotches and turn them into characters, we then created silhouettes of three invidivuals and moved on to characters from shapes this is where i began to let my mind explore. i created an alien for the circular shape and a ‘travellers multi-tool’ for the square.
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Next was to take one of the three character descriptions provided to us and design a character based on the description.

WEEK2: Describe our personalities in a short description and design a character based from this description.

KING FRED THE FEARLESS (Character by J.K. Rowling Illus. by Kenny Mays)

King Fred the fearless is a character from J.K. Rowling’s ‘The Ickabog’, King Fred is decribed as having long yellow locks with ‘sweeping moustaches’. He also wears ‘Tight Breeches, Velvet Doublets and ruffled shirts’.